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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Companions


Through the regenerations the Doctor has had many companions that travel with  him and provide a view of the Doctor.  Each companion brings a different mood or life to the Doctor.           The main reason I think the Doctor always gets a new companion is because he is lonely.

Amelia Jessica "Amy" Pond
       Amelia, or Amy, met the Doctor when he crashed around her 21 century cottage.  One of the Doctors entering lines were him asking her for apples.  She brought him in, tried to feed him, and he left.  During the 12  years he was gone, Amy dreamt and loved her dolls she made of her "Raggedy Doctor."

       Amy has real sassy but passionate attitude and will do anything for the Doctor.   Amy is a Scottish flirt, always flirting with the Doctor and anyone else who comes along.  The Doctor once described the both of them together like a brother and sister, Amy the "annoying little sister."

Donna Noble
          Donna is probably my favorite companion.  She met the Doctor when she suddenly appeared in the TARDIS on her wedding day.  The Doctor tried hard to return her to the chapel on time but in the end the groom ended up working for the emperor Racnoss who was planing to feed her to her children.

          Unlike all the other companions so far she had no desire to be in an romantic relationship with the Doctor.  She and the Doctors relationship is strictly friendly.  Once the Doctor told her that he wanted "a mate," her reply, "well you ain't mat'in with me, mate."  Something unique about her is that she refused to travel with the Doctor when he first offered but an entire season later they meet together and she finally goes with him.  She makes me think spunky, free, sweet, and fun loving.  


Martha Jones

             Martha first Knew the Doctor as John Smith.  They met when he pretended to be a patient in a hospital that she worked in.  The Hospital rapidly appeared on the moon where aliens called the Judoon searched for non-human life forms putting the Doctor in trouble, but in the end Martha came to the rescue earning her place in the TARDIS.

            Martha is so sweet and she is willing to risk her life for anyone--including the Doctor.  She is extremely brave and has risked her life several times to save the world and the universe.  She is one of the only companions who left willingly to save earth.  After serving with the Doctor she occasionally appears in Torchwood and has a full time secret job in New York.

Rose Tyler

        Rose Tyler met the Doctor when she returns to her work one night only to find a fellow coworker killed by The Living Plastic and the Doctor running away from a bomb he had planted in the building to destroy the plastic. In the end the Doctor is impressed and asks here to travel through space with him, she refuses and he disappears.  Moments later he returns and tells her he travels in time--she immediately comes.  She leaves the Doctor when she is sucked into a parallel universe.  Throughout future series she returns often.

       Rose is probably the Doctors favorite companion.  He loved her and he still does.  Rose is kind and compassionate.  She is not perfect but she understood the Doctor and would do anything for him.  To me she is independent and care-free.  Traveling with the Doctor brought her close to him.  Rose has seen the Doctor regenerate unlike any other companion.


      Whats your favorite companion? Why?   Post your reply below!

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