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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Double Trouble

If a weeping angel has two shadows, who do you deal with first and what do you do?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jelly Babies

In the old Doctor Who episodes, the Doctor had a love for Jell Babies.  Here are all of the scenes with Jelly Babies in them.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lucky Find

A man took a taxi through Cardiff and found a script for one of the future Doctor Who episodes!  The script has been returned to BBC.  What would you do if you found this?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Doctor Who Workout

When you are watching Doctor Who EVERY TIME...

...Someone says "Doctor" do 10 jumping jacks.

...The Doctor says "run" do 15 squats.

...The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver do 10 sit-ups.

...Someone gets in or out of the TARDIS touch your toes.

...You hear the TARDIS sound do 20 crunches

...Anyone says their catchphrase do 10 leg lifts.

...Someone travel in time, space, or both do 5 v-ups.

...The Doctor talks to the TARDIS do 10 push-ups.

...You see a Dalek... Run!

I am going to do it. How about you?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drawings of a Timelord

These drawings were originally drawn by a friend of mine named Harper McGee.  She was only recently introduced to Doctor Who though she is turning into a remarkable whovian.
         (sorry it's up-side-down :)

Rory--The Master?

       There is a rumor going around that Rory is really The Master.  Have you heard it?  I wouldn't be surprised it you have.   I've copied a small article that a friend sent to me the other day.

         "Rory has been becoming much more irrational and aggressively violent.  Also in the episode "Lets Kill Hitler"after witnessing River's regeneration and being exposed to RAW TIME ENERGY for the first time, he begins to complain of a "banging in my head", which Amy dismisses as Hitler in the closet.  Also think back to "The God Complex".  Rory did not have a room.  He was the only character they made a point to say did not have one.  And when the Doctor looked into his room all he said was "of course it was you" and we hearr the wailing of the TARDIS distress disstress call in 4 repetitions.  The only other time it has made this sound was when The Master stole it in series 3."

        What do you think?  Is Rory The Master?  Please post your reply below.